Since 2000, Engager’s leadership has supported Australia’s best-known employers to improve engagement by helping their employees want to stay.
As the pioneers of engagement and retention research and solutions in Australia, we’ve worked across almost every industry sector, public, private and NFP.


How do you attract higher calibre talent?
We’ll find out what your talent wants through targeted EVPs.

Why don’t Indigenous candidates apply?
We’ll ask your current, ex and prospective Blak talent how to be more effective at attracting and retaining them.

Why don’t high
employees stay?
We’ll identify and focus on your high performers first through targeted engagement solutions.

Why is your turnover
We’ll analyse your workforce data or gain further insights to pinpoint precise solutions.

What’s being said about your employer brand?
We’ll discover real-world word of mouth: it trumps your recruitment marketing every time.

What’s your workforce strategy?
We’ll collaborate to develop your current and future workforce roadmap.